摘要:III-V compound semiconductor nanowires have been intensively investigated for their applications as optoelectronic devices including lasers, LEDs, photodetectors and solar cells owing to their direct bandgap, nanoscale size, and unique one-dimensional geometry related optical and electrical properties. Recently, chemiresistive sensing has emerged as one of the most promising technologies for portable and low-cost sensing applications ranging from air quality monitoring, explosive detection to medical diagnostics. III-V compound semiconductors have also been studied for chemiresistive gas sensing and shown promising results. In this talk, I will present our recent research on design and fabrication of InP nanowire array based chemiresistive NO2 and acetone sensors and their potential application for air quality and health monitoring applications.
Lan Fu is a Professor and Head of the Department of the Electronic Materials Engineering at the Research School of Physics, the Australian National University (ANU). Lan Fu’s main research interests include design, fabrication and integration of optoelectronic devices (LEDs, lasers, photodetectors and solar cells) and chemical sensors, based on low-dimensional III-V compound semiconductor structures including quantum wells, self-assembled quantum dots and nanowires grown by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition (MOCVD). Prof. Lan Fu was the recipient of the IEEE Photonic Society Graduate Student Fellowship and Distinguished Lecturer Award, Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, ARF/QEII Fellowship and Future Fellowship. She is the current Chair of IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapters & Regional Activities Committee, Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, and member of Editorial Board of Opto-Electronic Advances and npj Nanophotonics. She is also the current vice-Chair of the Australian Academy of Science National Committee on Materials Science and Engineering, and vice-President of the Australian Materials Research Society (AMRS). She has been recoginsed by CosmosMagzine as one of the “50 Women of the Cutting edge of science in Australia” in 2023.